A bill named for two women whose childhood images were turned into heinous pornography was handily passed in the Senate on Wednesday. The Amy and Vicky Child Pornography Victim Restitution Improvement Act was approved by a 98-0 vote.
The measure gives hope to victims that they will finally be able to win major compensation from any single person who illegally viewed, made or distributed their images. Victims of child pornography and other sexual exploitation “ought to have access to full restitution from any single perpetrator for their losses,” said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican.
The bill establishes a minimum amount for damages for certain child pornography offenses and makes any single perpetrator responsible for the full damages created by a crime that involves multiple perpetrators, Mr. Grassley’s office said. Perpetrators, instead of victims, will have the burden of suing each other to recover damages they paid beyond their offenses. Full Article
These two have been used for years to keep the victim flag flying high. They have also been getting paid for quite a number of years now. I’d like to say “get a life”, but apparently being a professional victim is their life; how sad.
Good! These gold diggers have gotten away with enough already. Someone has paid with their lives (time in jail) and that is all that needs to be done. I agree that these professional “victims” abuse the system and just as guilty as the ones who made them “victims” in the first place!
More common sense is needed here and everywhere else in this sex offender non-sense! It is nothing special and needs to be dealt with on a rational and NOT emotional basis.